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Identify the “Hierarchy of Preferences” for Successful Product Launches and Service Optimization

Simulate the complexity of real-life decision making, where decisions are made with trade-offs between desirable product attributes and limitations.

SIMALTO is a powerful, yet straightforward choice-modeling tool, developed to overcome the limitations of traditional approaches to multi-attribute product market research.


How Does it Work?

  • Relevant and unambiguous questions engage interest ensuring higher quality data.
  • Recognizes benefits often do cost different amounts to deliver.
  • Realistic trade-off priorities – customers cannot spend the same amount twice.
  • Price is realistically treated as a constraint and not a variable.
  • All options on view, simultaneously, so total product specification is the context for prioritization, not individual features in isolation.
  • Data are analyzed on the individual respondent level, no averaging of preference of values.
  • Cause and effect logic replaces ‘best-fit’ regression mathematics underlying ‘conjoint’ approaches, which can cause illogical compensations.

SIMALTO can be adapted to a wide range of applications that include product/ service optimization and positioning, branding, next generation product launch, pricing, satisfaction and loyalty.